NetHack could use some more random messages
Do you think you've got good ones?
Anything you add with this might be put into NetHack running on
- Gravestone: Messages that show up on randomly generated gravestones, eg. "Og friend. Og good dude. Og died. Og now food"
- Angelic taunt: Angels occasionally say these. eg. "Repent, and thou shalt be saved!"
- Demonic taunt: You usually hear these from imps: "I first mistook thee for a statue, when I regarded thy head of stone."
- Rumors: What you get eg. when you eat a fortune cookie
- T-shirt: Ever tried reading a T-shirt?
- Spam: Some window ports of NetHack fake the mail delivery, and the Mail Daemon delivers random messages.
- Engraving: Random engravings that can appear practically anywhere in the dungeons.
- Hallucinatory Monster: Fake monsters seen when you're hallucinating.
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