Rodney's current learn db


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#nethack:!conductEidolosConduct: $CHOICE(Never|Do not|You must|You may not) $CHOICE(call|#chat with|tame|saddle|consort with|kill|polymorph|scare|attack) $CHOICE(a pudding|Rodney|your quest nemesis|your starting pet) $CHOICE(more than $RND(2,10) times|within the first $RND(2,20)000 turns|outside the Elemental Planes|inside Gehennom|while in sight of your pet|while naked|while blindfolded|unless confused|while engulfed).$CHOICE(9*|1*$THEN $ACT stares sternly and wields Vorpal Blade.)
#nethack:!conductFeoryConduct: $CHOICE(Do|You must do|You must not do|You may not do) $CHOICE(3*|the opposite of )what $CHOICE(people in #nethack tell|!conduct tells|any rumors you read tell|your mother tells) you to do.
#nethack:!conductOlafrConduct: $CHOICE(Never|Do not|You must|You may not) $CHOICE(bless|wield|eat|throw|enchant|engrave with) $CHOICE(your starting weapon|a polearm|an artifact|a dagger) $CHOICE(more than $RND(2,10) times|fewer than $RND(2,10) times|within the first $RND(2,20)000 turns|outside the Elemental Planes|inside Gehennom|while in sight of your pet|while naked|while blindfolded|unless confused|while engulfed).
#nethack:!conductihopeConduct: $CHOICE(Every $RND(2,1000) turns you must|Never|Do not|You must|You may not) $CHOICE(learn the BUC status of|eat|#name|wield|wear|throw) $CHOICE(a cockatrice corpse|any item|every artifact|your starting weapon|a quest artifact)$CHOICE(10*.| more than $RND(2,10) times.| within the first $RND(2,20)000 turns.| outside the Elemental Planes.| inside Gehennom.| unless in sight of your pet.| unless naked.| unless blindfolded.| unless confused.| unless engulfed.)
#nethack:!conductscorchgeekConduct: $CHOICE(You may not create, split, or revive any monster.|You must sacrifice a coaligned unicorn on the High Altar of Moloch.|Neutral atheist pacifist non-healer. Kudos to your quest leader.|#Quit if you don't ascend by turn $RND(25,50)00.|You must kill Izchak, and get the people in RGRN to approve.|Never use dragon scales or mail.|Zen pacifist.|You may not press the key "p", and you must report your ascension to John Harris.|Your character may pass over at most 500 different tiles.|Wear/wield/use only silver armor/rings/amulets/weapons/wands.)