Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Mar 3rd, 2016 >ParaWorld
Master Lich : wtf Arch-lich
Paraworld called Arch-lich : Thou durst call upon me? Then die, mortal!

You feel the amulet draining your energy away.

Master Lich : lol, l dont think so.

The master lich casts spell at you!

Oh no,She's using the touch of death!

You seem no deader than before.

Master lich : wtf Arch-lich

You destoryed Master lich!

Master lich's body turns to dust.

You feel hungry.

Paraworld called Arch-lich : um. Time to eat that Lichen.

Lichen begin to pray to moloch.

Arch-lichen cast a spell at you!

Your head suddenly aches very painfully!

You die...

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  • This strip has been viewed 7437 times


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Number of ratings: 12
<March 2016>

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#1 Anonymous Thu, 3 Mar 2016 00:19:44
wft Paraworld

#2 ThePathfinder Thu, 3 Mar 2016 01:00:35
That's TWO,ID10T.
Last edited: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 01:00:50

#3 grisha5 Thu, 3 Mar 2016 11:23:23
WTF did just I see?

#4 Anonymous Thu, 31 Mar 2016 21:29:37
Haha. Before I read this, I though I had terrible sense of humour.

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