Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Feb 13th, 2017 >RGBY
a - an uncursed +327
67 long sword (weapo
n in hand).         
d - How'd your sword cut through three feet of bone matter?

@ - This is a +32767 sword.

d - +32767!? But it's only safe to enchant a weapon up to +7!

@ - Yeah, but there's no limit to disenchanting.

@ - The enchantment is stored in an int. Once I engraved my sword to -32768, lowering it once more causes an arithmetic underflow and creates the second strongest sword in the world.
d - Second strongest? What's the first?

@ - The strongest is Excalibur, the long int sword.

d - Forget it!

No, this won't work in real Nethack.
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Number of ratings: 14
<February 2017>

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#1 Anonymous Mon, 13 Feb 2017 21:14:32
Enchanting to +7! should be more than enough :-)

#2 sudgy Tue, 14 Feb 2017 01:50:30
Fun fact: in a roguelike game I'm making, I have a TDTTOE moment when you try to do this.

#3 RGBY Wed, 15 Feb 2017 03:56:09
Thanks! I've been making my own webcomic loosely based on Nethack. You can find it here:

#4 Bucky Thu, 16 Feb 2017 01:30:10
I think the damage modifier on weapons is a byte. Sorry.

But if you did get a +32767 sword somehow, it'd do no damage thanks to overflow.

You really should have used a short sword for extra pun.

Last edited: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 01:50:31

#5 ThePathfinder Sat, 25 Feb 2017 15:03:53
REP #4
And a DOUBLE-handed FLOATing one.

#6 RGBY Mon, 3 Apr 2017 22:15:08

#7 riggityrekt Wed, 4 Nov 2020 15:45:22
#5 that would take huge BYTES out of the enemy wearing them away BIT by BIT.
anyways E for the comments

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