Name: Ashikaga Takauji
Difficulty: 19
Base level: 15
Base experience: 485
Speed: 12
Base AC: 0
Base MR: 40
Alignment: -13
Frequency: unique, no random generation
Genocidable: No
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 2d6
    Projectile as weapon, or if in range, uses melee weapon for 2d6
    Steals the amulet etc.
Weight: 1450
Nutritional value: 400 (but leaves no corpse)
Size: medium
Resistances: None
Resistances conveyed by eating: None

Ashikaga Takauji is humanoid. He is an omnivore.

Ashikaga Takauji was a daimyo of the Minamoto clan who joined forces with the Go-Daigo to defeat the Hojo armies. Later when Go-Daigo attempted to reduce the powers of the samurai clans he rebelled against him. He defeated Go- Daigo and established the emperor Komyo on the throne. Go-Daigo eventually escaped and established another government in the town of Yoshino. This period of dual governments was known as the Nambokucho.

Samurai- The Story of a Warrior Tradition, by Cook