Valley of the Dead

This is the first level of Gehennom (and therefore between DL 26 and DL 30).

The Valley is eligible to leave bones files. The entire level is no-teleport and blocked to magic mapping.


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If you arrive by falling through a Castle trapdoor, you will land within a few squares of the upstair; if you jump through in a controlled manner, you will land on it. The unaligned temple on the left is manned by a peaceful priest of Moloch. In addition to the inhabitants of the three marked graveyards, the level also contains six ghosts, three vampire bats, four random M, four random Z, three random V, and a random L. In addition to the boxes in the graveyards, there are four random pieces of armour, four random weapons, three random potions, three random scrolls, two random wands, two random rings, two random spellbooks, three random tools, a ruby, and two other random gems; in addition to the corpses in the graveyards, there are two other corpses of each character class save Monks and Priests. The marked traps: in the top left corridor are two spiked pits and a sleeping gas trap, as you go from the temple to the downstair; the trap in the centre-left is a squeaky board; the other two are dart traps; there are a further two magic traps and two anti-magic traps randomly located.

The entire level has undiggable walls and floor.

NetHack 3.4 Spoilers
Dylan O'Donnell (