Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Apr 10th, 2014 >Isometrus
  ---      A  ----- 
 -- -- A@  @ --   --
--   ----|----    --
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-      |@@ .d....|  
               |%% %
@: Okay, that's Pestilence, right?

d: Looks like it. Leave this to me, I have sickness resistance.

@: that even a thing?

  ---         ----- 
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--   ----A----    --
|      |L&%-------- 
-      |@%d......|  
               |%% %
@: So there's Death, Famine, Pest--wait, isn't there a fourth one? War, or something?

d: Don't you know? It turns out you're actually War.

  ---    @ D  ----- 
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-      |%d.@.... |  
       -------.  -- 
             |  %%--
             --- %%-
               |%% %
@: Really? Why??

d: Hypothetically, because you killed so many people in the Dungeons. Which is stupid, because I did all the work.

  ---    .    ----- 
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--   ----d----    --
|      |%%%-------- 
-      |%@....   |  
       -------   -- 
             |  %%--
             --- %%-
@: Yeah, I mean, why War? It just doesn't seem to suit me. Hang on, let me tin Pestilence's corpse so it can't come back.
 x---    .    ----- 
 -- --  %%%  --   --
--   ----d----    --
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       -------   -- 
             | D%%--
             --- %%-
               |%% %
&: Yes...but Death does not preserve its enemies.

@: What th--

d: Heh.

  • This strip has been viewed 6685 times


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Number of ratings: 14
<April 2014>

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#1 yhelothar Thu, 10 Apr 2014 02:55:25
An arch-lich, Pestilence, 3 PC's, an archon, another PC, two red dragons, another archon and another PC
d: Leave this to me, I got this.

#2 yhelothar Fri, 11 Apr 2014 16:07:48
oh I guess some of those @'s are priests

#3 ThePathfinder Wed, 12 Nov 2014 11:35:45
It seems that when you get the AmYndr,all priests are gone.

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