a - an Archaeologist
b - a Barbarian
c - a Caveman
h - a Healer
k + a Kop
K - a Knight
m - a Monk
p - a Priest
r - a Rogue
@ Awesome! New character class! |
K My first Kop assignment! Cool! |
An alarm sounds! The Keystone Kops are after him! You feel a wrenching sensation. K Let's get him! |
You throw a cream pie! The cream pie splashes all ove the robber's face! You wield a rubber hose! K Stop in the name of the law! |
The robber hands you 150 zm. You vanish into thin air! |
/ \
| Dudley |
| killed by |
| honour among |
| thieves |
EDIT: Whoops, wrong comic...