Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Jan 27th, 2016 >ThePathfinder
........--------------...+   |..
.........................|   |..
...|   +......|   +..--+-|......
...|   |......|   |. |   |......
...-----......-----. |   |......
Dudley:Where am I?

Pelias:At the camp of the Duali Tribe,of course.

........--------------...+   |..
.........................|   |..
...|   +......|   +..--+-|......
...|   |......|   |. |   |......
...-----......-----. |   |......
Dudley:But it seems...quite unnatural.

You drink a potion of levitation.

You start to float in the air!

........--------------...+   |..
.........................|   |..
...|   +......|   +..--+-|......
...|   |......|   |. |   |......
...-----......-----. |   |...... seems that...this place has a border.
........--------------...+   |..
.........................|   |..
...|   +......|   +..--+-|......
...|   |......|   |. |   |......
...-----......-----. |   |......
Dudley:There's something the sky?"Bar.img"?!

You hit your head on the ceiling.

###|###|######|###|# |###|######
###-----######-----# |###|######
  #  #                          
  #  #                          
  #  #                          
Your vision seems to flatten for a moment but is normal now.

^ an deactivated magic portal named .ST

yendor@DUNGDOOM:/mnt/nethack/DLVL16/.QUEST$ ls -Fails | more                    
total 437847366572                                                              
24579           1 drwxrwx--- 2 yendor adm           1024 Jan  2 09:28 ./        
 1774           1 drwxrwsr-t 7 yendor adm           1024 Dec 27 00:05 ../       
  215 33532322875 -rwSr----T 3 carnav adm 34337098624000 Dec 28 23:32 Arc.img   
  205 31510265379 -rwSr----T 3 pelias adm 32266511748096 Dec 28 23:32 Bar.img   
  204 33554843972 -rwSr----T 3 krnov  adm 34360160227328 Dec 28 23:32 Cav.img   
  207 33554880337 -rwSr----T 3 hpcrat adm 34360197465088 Dec 28 23:32 Hea.img   
  203 34128796762 -rwSr----T 3 arthur adm 34947887884288 Dec 28 23:32 Kni.img   
  206 33253408728 -rwSr----T 3 arcpri adm 34051490537472 Dec 28 23:32 Pri.img   
  214 35004287791 -rwSr----T 3 grmstr adm 35844390697984 Dec 28 23:32 Mon.img   
  213 33269776290 -rwSr----T 3 orion  adm 34068250920960 Dec 28 23:32 Ran.img   
  208 31999753027 -rwSr----T 3 msthiv adm 32767747099648 Dec 28 23:32 Rog.img   
  211 38238473563 -rwSr----T 3 sato   adm 39156196928512 Dec 28 23:32 Sam.img   
  210 32864826535 -rwSr----T 3 2flwr  adm 33653582371840 Dec 28 23:32 Tou.img   
  209 35234976592 -rwSr----T 3 norn   adm 36080616030208 Dec 28 23:32 Val.img   
  212 31700754658 -rwSr----T 3 nfret  adm 32461572769792 Dec 28 23:32 Wiz.img   
 2176           0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 yendor adm              1 Dec 21 22:04 .ST/ -> ./
yendor@DUNGDOOM:/mnt/nethack/DLVL16/.QUEST$ sudo mount Bar.img .ST/             
Yendor:Pelias,I've restored the image.Please cd out here with your followings.I'm re-mounting.
Pelias:I think your sandboxed virtualization project flopped,Yendor.
  • This strip has been viewed 9104 times


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Average rating: mediocre
Number of ratings: 9
<January 2016>

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#1 grisha5 Mon, 8 Feb 2016 07:01:52
What the freck did just I see?

#2 tahujdt Wed, 17 Feb 2016 22:27:28
RIPperoni, NetHack Fanbase.

#3 Bucky Thu, 18 Feb 2016 04:54:32
I have another comic under construction, but I'm too busy right now to finish it.

#4 grisha5 Thu, 18 Feb 2016 14:52:22
And i submitted a comic too!

#5 ThePathfinder Sun, 15 May 2016 06:18:59
See Comic 1011 for explanations.
Definitely,everyone in the game is being toyed by Marduk the Superuser.

#6 Anonymous Sun, 4 Jun 2017 00:45:21
Should be "Pelias:I think your sandboxed virtualization project flopped, Rodney." Yendor is the name of the country.
"The purist hits! You feel deathly sick."

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