Mines' End

This level is located on the bottom level of the Gnomish Mines (and therefore either their 8th or 9th level, and between DL 10 and DL 13).

Mines' End is ineligible to leave bones files. Monster creation on this level is biased towards lawful monsters.

Map details

The end of the Gnomish Mines comes in three different versions, each of which has an equal chance of being used:

Bear in mind that, as elsewhere in the Gnomish Mines, if you are playing a dwarf or gnome, two-thirds of the dwarfs or gnomes respectively that are listed in these descriptions will be made random monsters instead.

The Mimic of the Mines

                         ---------     -------------       -------
                         |.......|     |.......|...|       |.....|*
     ---------        ----.......-------...........|       |--...-S-
     |.......|        |..........................-S-      --.......|
     |......-------   |--...........<............|*       |.......--
     |..--........-----..........................|.       |.-..----
     --..--.-----........|.....................--|        |-..--
      --..--.*| -----------..................---.----------..--
       |...--.|    |.*S...S..............---................--
      ----..-----  ------------........--- ------------...--|
      |.........--            ----------              ---...-- -----
     --.....---..--                           --------  --...---...--
  ----..|..-- --..---------------------      --......--  ---........|
---....-----   --..|..................---    |........|    |.......--
|.......|       --......................S*.  --......-|    |--..----
---.--.--        ----.................---     ------..------...--
  |....S*.          |...............|..|         .*S...........|
  ------            --------------------           -------------

Randomly placed on the level are a gnome king, three gnome lords, two gnomish wizards, nine gnomes, two hobbits, three dwarfs, and a random h. In addition to the items enumerated below, there are two random tools, seven random gems, and three other random objects; and six random traps. The walls of the level are undiggable.

Six of the seven spots marked '*', randomly assigned, have a collection of gems or mimics pretending to be gems, as follows:

The seventh spot is empty.

The Gnome King's Wine Cellar

|.||----   |.|--- |...|..........................|..|                      
|.||...| ---.-.|---...|.............<...............|                **    
|.||...--|.....|....---..........................|..|.               **    
|.|   |..|!.|....|..................................|...                   
|.|   |..|!.|-----..------------------------------..|....                  
|.-----..---|.......|-----------------------     |..|.....                 
|...........|----.--|......................|     |..|.......               
------------|...|.| --------------------.|.-------..|.....|..              
|.................|                    |.....................|........     
-------------------                    --------------------------------

Randomly placed on the level are a gnome king, three gnome lords, two gnomish wizards, nine gnomes, two hobbits, three dwarfs, and a random h. In addition to the items enumerated below, there are two random tools, seven random gems, and three other random objects; and six random traps.

There is a collection of jewels in the marked cavity with the following minima: two diamonds, two random gems (NW); two emeralds, two random gems (NE); one ruby, one emerald, two random gems (SW); two amethysts, one ruby, one random gem, and a luckstone on top (SE). The Gnome King's Wine Cellar (the central-left room) contains nine potions; each marked location contains two potions of booze and one other potion, the northern two being random and the southernmost a potion of object detection. All walls are undiggable except the two vertical walls near the lower-right; the dark area to the right side of the map is unwalled, diggable rock.

The Catacombs

 -----------------------   ---------------------------       -----------------
 |      ...            |   |    ...                  |       |               |
 |      ...            -----    ...                  ---     |               |
 |      ...             ...     ...                    |     |               |
 |                      ...    ---                     |   ---       ------- |
 |                  .......    | |                     |   |         |.....| |
 |         --- ---  .......    ---     -----------     --- |         |.....S |
 |         |.....|  ...........        |.........|       | |         |*....| |
 |         |.....|      .......---     |.........|       ---         ------- |
 |         |..{..|      .......| |     S....<....S                           |
 |         |.....|      ...    ---     |.........|   ---                     |
 |         |.....|      ...            |.........|   | |...                  |
 ----      --- ---      ...---         -----------   ---...    ---     ---   |
  --|..                 ...| |                          ...    | |     | |   |
  |*S..                ----- ---                        ...    | ---   --- ---
  |-|..                |       |...                 ... ...    |   |       |
  |*S..              ---       |...      ---        .{.        |   ---------
  --|..              |         |...      | |        ...        |
    ------------------         ----------- ---------------------

The blank space comprising the bulk of the above map is filled with a maze linking the marked chambers and open spaces, avoiding the marked pillars. Randomly placed on the level are an ettin mummy, four random e, five random M, and two random V; two diamonds, three emeralds, two rubies, two amethysts, seven other random gems, five random scrolls, four random spellbooks, and three other random objects.

The three spots marked '*' have, randomly allocated, a flint stone, a luckstone, and nothing; the two spots with stones also have level teleport traps. The level is blocked from magic mapping, but the walls are diggable except those of the treasure chambers.

NetHack 3.4 Spoilers
Dylan O'Donnell (psmith@spod-central.org)