Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Dec 5th, 2010 >Darth Geek
The priest of Anhur giv
..|(((.|.|    |](].|...
..|]((.-.+    |(]].|...
@ "Two bits for an ale! Thanks, priest!"
You drop 2 gold pieces.
..|(((.|.|    |](].|...
..|]((.-.+    |(]].|...
@ "Hey Dogley, hold this gold for me, alright?"
The priest of Anhur giv
..|(((.|.|    |](].|...
..|]((.-.+    |(]].|...
@ "And thanks again!"
(much, much later...)  
"Thy devotion has been 
..|(((.|.|    |](].|...
..|]((.-.+    |(]].|...
@ "So I heard the temple needed a contribution..."
d "The DevTeam has arranged an automatic and savage punishment for temple farming. It's called temple farming."
  • This strip has been viewed 10970 times


  • 3 poor
  • 3 mediocre
  • 5 fair
  • 10 good
  • 3 excellent
Average rating: fair
Number of ratings: 24
<December 2010>

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#1 jannis Sun, 5 Dec 2010 00:04:52
That one was about time. I thought about it already, too.

#2 DarthCliche Sun, 5 Dec 2010 15:53:30
Eh? Temple farming? M until I know what that is.

#3 scorchgeek Sun, 5 Dec 2010 22:01:34
He exploited the "two bits for an ale" trick to get the priest's gold and then pay it back.

Note: in a real game, priests only start with ~30 gold, so you need to donate some first.

#4 scorchgeek Sun, 5 Dec 2010 22:02:32
Hmm, my strips didn't get scheduled for some reason.

#5 TobyBartels Sun, 5 Dec 2010 22:02:40
It's what Dudley's doing. Park yourself in a temple, lock the door to keep monsters out, genocide dwarfs so they don't bash down the walls, and you can do it too.

#6 TobyBartels Sun, 5 Dec 2010 22:10:52
Heh, in between loading the comic and writing my reply, two more people snuck in!

I've never tried temple farming, so I didn't know that it didn't really work (unless you find a bones file, I guess).

#7 DarthGeek Mon, 6 Dec 2010 02:54:16
I'll admit I've never actually tried it, and yes, you do need at most the initial donation- but the point is, that's all you need to completely guarantee the 20 protection. Well, and a steady source of food or =oSD. At level 1 it would take 200 turns for each donation, not counting the first, so a =oSD would be very helpful. If you can write a bot to automate the process and only aim for the first 10 protection it wouldn't be difficult at all.

#8 TobyBartels Mon, 6 Dec 2010 09:25:58
Writing a bot to get around automatic and savage punishments is cheating, IMO.

For those who don't know: the original automatic and savage self-punishment (well, original as far back as I'm aware) was pudding farming.

#9 DarthGeek Mon, 6 Dec 2010 09:57:39
yes, Dogley's quote is taken directly from the original one on pudding farming. :P

#10 Anonymous Mon, 6 Dec 2010 19:22:29
Bot is not required - paste to terminal is working (but it would need to be sanctum).

#11 Sorceror Mon, 6 Dec 2010 22:33:07
Ring of Self Destruct?


Oh, OK, ring of not needing food.

I vote for automatic and savage punishment on DarthGeek with an amulet of strangulation.

Note that it'd be relatively simple for DevTeam to fix this: have a "how much the priest has given you" variable, and subtract that from the "how much you have donated" when working out how happy the priest is with you. It's a short step from that to reducing god's happiness if you keep trying to do this ...

#12 ajbRad Tue, 7 Dec 2010 23:32:00
The minetown priest has been my alignment probably twice. >_

#13 Dajaaj Wed, 8 Dec 2010 12:33:08
@Sorcerer: Or better yet, just make gold donated to the temple priest disappear from the game. That has the added benefit of stopping people from just killing the priest once he's given all the protection he will (although gold is then likely pretty useless, but still...)

#14 Slandor Wed, 8 Dec 2010 20:20:38
ajbRad: You can still donate to a cross-aligned priest, just can't make offerings or pray for holy water on the altar. (Unless you convert it, but that means getting the priest safely out of the way, and once an altar is converted no one can donate to a priest.)

#15 ajbRad Thu, 9 Dec 2010 01:32:54
@Slandor Thanks! But, I feel like such a noob now.

#16 DarthCliche Thu, 16 Dec 2010 00:18:02
@Sorceror: Ring of self destruct? I feel a YANI coming on...

#17 Anonymous Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:00:12
Slandor: IIRC, cross aligned priests don't give you two bits for an ale though.

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