--|-| |..-+--......
....| |..| |----..
....----.h| |%%@-.h
..G.....G.| |%%.|..
h "It was the largest gold vein I've seen in a century!" G "That's incredible! You know, if you need a hand, a few friends and I can join in your dig." | |((G|-------......|.
--|-| |..-+--......
....| |..| |----..
@...----.h| |%%.h..
........G.| |%%@|..
@ "Hello, hobbit! Welcome to Djombang's delicatessen!" h "We've sure got our hands full. I'll talk to the foreman, maybe we can sign you on!" | You hit the gnome lo
--|-| |..-+--......
....| |..| |----..
....----.h| |%h.-..
.@......G.| |%%@|..
G "I certainly appreci— OH MY GODS!!" |
You kill the gnome l
--|-| |..-+--......
....| |..| |----..
....----..| |%h.-..
.@.....h..| |%%@|..
G "Murderer! Everyone flee to safety!" h "Stand back, let me at him!" G "Haste self!" | |G((|-------......|.
--|-| |..-+--...G..
....| |..| |----..
....----..| |%.@+..
....@h....| |h%.|..
h "Lock the door!" G "Watch captain, stop that madman!" @ "My feet hurt, I've been on them all day!" | |G((|-------......|.
--|-| |..-+--......
....| |..| |----..
....----..| |%.@+G.
.....%....| |h%.|..
@ "What lousy pay we're getting here!" G huff, huff "Oh, curse my tiny legs!" |
You kill the gnome!
--|-| |..-+--......
....| |..| |----..
....----..| |%..+G.
.....%....| |h%@|..
G "Aieee!" G "For the love of Thoth, let me in!" | You get a slight hea
--|-| |..-+--......
....| |..| |----..
....----..| |%..+G.
.....%....| |h%@|@.
G "Father?" G "Oh gods! Psi bolt!" | You kill the gnomish
--|-| |..-+--......
....| |..| |----..
....----..| |%..+%.
..G..%..@.| |h@.|@.
G "Father, say something!" |
--|-| |@.-+--......
....| |..| |----..
....----..| |%..+%@
..G..%.@..| |h@.|..
G sob, sob | |(((|-------......|.
--|-| |.@-+--......
....| |..| |----..
....----@.| |%.@+%.
..G..%....| |h%.|..
| |(((|-------......|.
--|-| |.@-+--......
....| |.@| |----..
....----..| |%.@+%.
..G..%....| |h%.|..
@ "The food's not fit for Orcs!" @ "My feet hurt, I've been on them all day!" |
https://alt.org/nethack/dudley/ |
They've got their priorities straight, they do. :)
Or else forming a band of robbers and forcibly extracting wealth from all those visitors.
If you keep that in mind, it's obvious why they don't allow gold and/or treasure detection of any kind. They probably even have other gnomes re-burying treasure on the sly, too.
I love this one. Keeps making me think of Ankh Morpork.