Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Jan 27th, 2009 >Dentarthurdent
--|-|  |..-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
....----.h|  |%%@-.h
..G.....G.|  |%%.|..
h "It was the largest gold vein I've seen in a century!"

G "That's incredible! You know, if you need a hand, a few friends and I can join in your dig."

--|-|  |..-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
@...----.h|  |%%.h..
........G.|  |%%@|..
@ "Hello, hobbit! Welcome to Djombang's delicatessen!"

h "We've sure got our hands full. I'll talk to the foreman, maybe we can sign you on!"

You hit the gnome lo
--|-|  |..-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
....----.h|  |%h.-..
.@......G.|  |%%@|..
G "I certainly appreci—
You kill the gnome l
--|-|  |..-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
....----..|  |%h.-..
.@.....h..|  |%%@|..
G "Murderer! Everyone flee to safety!"

h "Stand back, let me at him!"

G "Haste self!"

--|-|  |..-+--...G..
....|  |..|  |----..
....----..|  |%.@+..
....@h....|  |h%.|..
h "Lock the door!"

G "Watch captain, stop that madman!"

@ "My feet hurt, I've been on them all day!"

--|-|  |..-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
....----..|  |%.@+G.
.....%....|  |h%.|..
@ "What lousy pay we're getting here!"

G huff, huff "Oh, curse my tiny legs!"

You kill the gnome! 
--|-|  |..-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
....----..|  |%..+G.
.....%....|  |h%@|..
G "Aieee!"

G "For the love of Thoth, let me in!"

You get a slight hea
--|-|  |..-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
....----..|  |%..+G.
.....%....|  |h%@|@.
G "Father?"

G "Oh gods!
Psi bolt!"

You kill the gnomish
--|-|  |..-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
....----..|  |%..+%.
..G..%..@.|  |h@.|@.
G "Father, say something!"
--|-|  |@.-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
....----..|  |%..+%@
..G..%.@..|  |h@.|..
G sob, sob
--|-|  |.@-+--......
....|  |..|  |----..
....----@.|  |%.@+%.
..G..%....|  |h%.|..
--|-|  |.@-+--......
....|  |.@|  |----..
....----..|  |%.@+%.
..G..%....|  |h%.|..
@ "The food's not fit for Orcs!"

@ "My feet hurt, I've been on them all day!"

I'm starting to understand why the Watch are listed as Chaotic.
  • This strip has been viewed 12860 times


  • 4 poor
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  • 50 excellent
Average rating: good
Number of ratings: 69
January 2009>

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#1 ToonyMan Tue, 27 Jan 2009 00:07:13
Is this about how lazy guards are in MineTown? I don't know much about the MineTown guards, but it looks to me to be it. Pretty funny how messed up an adventure could look. :p

#2 PIxels Tue, 27 Jan 2009 03:33:37
I've always thought that it was odd that the guards won;t get angry if you kill the residents, but Gods help you if you damage a wall, door, or fountain.

They've got their priorities straight, they do. :)

#3 DrSunglass Tue, 27 Jan 2009 03:37:31
Meh, took a long time to make the point. Fair.

#4 mijae Tue, 27 Jan 2009 04:40:52
I've always thought that too, Pixels. But as long as the dwarf's bringing up gold veins, that reminds me of something else I find odd. How have the Gnomish Mines not been completely cleared out already? All it takes is one guy with a pickaxe. (and ideally a method of gold/object/treasure detection)

#5 progo Tue, 27 Jan 2009 12:07:12
Excellent. The story was developed from a normal roguelike situation and it just rocks. And the dialogue may be bit too soft yet working.

#6 TJR Tue, 27 Jan 2009 13:31:42
I always thought the guards' priorities were a relict from the wild west days, when every man was responsible for his own safety himself.

#7 Lioleus Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:25:19
Obviously the Gnomish Mines are a work-sink; somewhere for otherwise-out-of-work Gnomes (and Dwarves) to spend effort digging for precious metals and jewels that would else be spent running rampant around the greater portion of the Dungeons of Doom, causing havok and mayhem, and eventually getting killed by wandering adventurers, annoyed Priests of anything.
Or else forming a band of robbers and forcibly extracting wealth from all those visitors.

If you keep that in mind, it's obvious why they don't allow gold and/or treasure detection of any kind. They probably even have other gnomes re-burying treasure on the sly, too.

I love this one. Keeps making me think of Ankh Morpork.

#8 stevko Tue, 3 Feb 2009 01:48:37
I had a sad feeling for a moment, then it passed. But I do not like these kind of jokes (e.g.>:

#9 ThePathfinder Mon, 12 Oct 2015 07:31:41
A great punch at the net-kops.
Last edited: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 07:31:53

#10 ajh Thu, 30 Jan 2025 14:54:28
to be fair, they were generated as hostile (or maybe the player was?).

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