K Well, this is a pretty % we've got ourselves into. Izchak's been murdered, and our only witness is blind. K Sir, I was looking through the Shop's tax receipts over the past 1000000 turns, and look. 500000 turns ago, in a different game, he sold 4 lamps for 50 zm apiece. | ....................
K They must have been magic! But why was he murdered now? Nothing was taken, and there were no magical items. Was the murderer stunned? Was Izchak witness to another crime? Or was Izchak involved in something shady? | ....................
K Boss? You're not gonna like this! g - a scroll labeled Minetown Digger. | IZCHAK MURDERED!
Izchak Miller, a ci-
tizen of Minetown,
was found dead yest-
erday. The only
witness is M. Mimic.
read what? g K Holy q! Now the murderer knows we're on to him! And they used the witness' name, too. Great. | ....................
K Give Mr. Mimic a bodyguard. % Thanks. K Wait, what? % I said thanks. K Please don't. |
P.S:"Holy q"? How do baluchitheria factor into this?
Since when do mimics change object when not disturbed?
However, since everyone there knows that's a mimic already (or at least I would assume they do), there's nothing to stop it from changing form if it so desires.
Which it probably should, if it's mimicking a donut amongst a bunch of Kops.
By the way, I have posted my next strip, it just isn't up yet. (The villain gets revealed.)