Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Jan 3rd, 2015 >Elijah Stone
The gnome shoots a  
wand of fire!       
#   __________      
#   |........|      
@: Well, at least it's something people actually die from!
But it reflects from
your medallion!     
#   __________      
#   |........|      
@: Yes! I knew that u-BUCed amulets are always worth it, unlike armor.
Unfortunately, it   
doesn't reflect     
from your armor     
#   __________      
#   |........|      
@: OK, maybe I was wrong about the armor, but hey, I've always worried about having heart problems. At least THAT won't be the cause of my death! On the other hand, I suppose that I should have picked up that silver dragon scale mail, even if it might have been cursed.
Your torso fries    
to a crisp.         
#   __________      
#   |........|      
@: Cremation! I've always wanted to be cremated! Goodbye, heart problems!
    /  REST IN   \  
   /    PEACE     \ 
  /                \
  |     Dudley     |
  |   killed by    |
  |   heartburn    |
  |                |
The gnome is naked, and dudley is a middle-schooler with acid reflux problems when grossed out.
  • This strip has been viewed 5999 times


  • 3 poor
  • 4 mediocre
  • 4 fair
  • 2 good
  • 3 excellent
Average rating: fair
Number of ratings: 16
<January 2015>

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1 Comment

#1 anther Mon, 13 Jul 2015 16:49:09
I don't know why this amuses me so.

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