Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Jun 18th, 2016 >Homage
That food really hit
the spot!           
@ *nom nom nom* Hey, Dogley, I've *nom* got a question.

d What is it?

You finish eating   
the food ration.    
@ Well, what exactly is a food ration?

d It's food. What else could it be?

@ No, I mean what is it made of? I mean, we know what all the other rations are made of. Tripe rations are made of tripe, cram rations are made of cram, and C and K rations are standard military ration packs. But what's in a food ration?

d I... have no idea.

@ ...

d ...

@ We need to find out.
Dogley eats a tripe 
@ Excuse me, sir, but would you mind telling me just how you make these food rations?

@ Sorry, Dudley, I only sell them. Only 67 zorkmids each!

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@ Konichi wa, Luk No-san! I have heard legends of your great wisdom. Would you by chance happen to know what food rations are made from?

@ I am afraid I am unfamiliar with even the term "food ration". In all my travels, I have never set eyes on an item with such a name.

@ O wise and all-knowing Oracle, I beseech thee, pray reveal to me the truth: what are food rations made of?

@ Erm... Eating a cram ration is a smart move.

d ...That was a waste of money.

   Much later...    
Much later...
You kick the        
uncursed food       
@ ARRGGH! This is ridiculous! I've had it with these stupid things!

d Yeah, I'm pretty mad too. We've searched the entire dungeon and nobody seems to know what a food ration is made of.

@ ...

d ...

@ ...You know, desperate times call for desperate measures.

d What do you mean, Dudley?

@ We've checked every reliable source of information in this dungeon. When all else fails, sometimes the worst option is better than no option.

d You don't mean...

@ Yes! As unreliable a source of information as it might be, we'll have to check...

Specify what? (type 
the word) food      
@ ...the encyclopedia.
I don't have any    
information on those
3.6.0 may have added an entry for food rations, but the mystery continues!
  • This strip has been viewed 5992 times


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<June 2016>

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#1 ThePathfinder Sat, 18 Jun 2016 01:54:53
Maybe they're special "nutrition packs" which does not resemble any food.

#2 Anonymous Sat, 18 Jun 2016 03:05:48
Who's Luk No-san? (And just what are C- and K-rations made of?)

#3 ThePathfinder Sat, 18 Jun 2016 04:48:05
Maybe there is a reference of Japanese games.

#4 Belarian Sat, 18 Jun 2016 08:13:14
I think there's some bread and a flask in the picture of a food ration in the official tileset. (but well, ascii is the thing)
C- and K-rations must be made of vitamins C and K of course lol

#5 Belarian Sat, 18 Jun 2016 08:14:32
plus we know that it's vegan food

#6 Anonymous Sat, 18 Jun 2016 09:27:04
C for Crap,and K for KKKrap.

#7 ThePathfinder Sat, 18 Jun 2016 09:35:19
REP #6:
C for Common,and K for KKKrap.
(as in CDE and KDE)
Last edited: Sat, 18 Jun 2016 11:26:00

#8 Homage Tue, 21 Jun 2016 17:05:28
"There once was a fearsome chaotic samurai named Luk No." is a false rumor in NetHack. -san is how you address someone in Japanese, since it is like saying Mr. The joke with the samurai is that samurais know food rations as gunyoki, so they wouldn't recognize the term "food ration".

#9 Anonymous Tue, 21 Jun 2016 18:41:13
arigato gozaimasu, Homage sensei!

#10 will905965 Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:40:10
so it must be special bread because most bread is not vegan ( that i know of )

#11 will905965 Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:50:11
AH HA a C-ration is 5 hardtack crackers, 3 sugar tablets, 3 Dextrose energy tablets, and a packet of beverage mix (instant coffee, powdered lemon drink, boullion soup powder, orange drink powder, sweetened cocoa powder, or grape drink powder). so i think thats a box not bread in the tile
Last edited: Tue, 6 Dec 2016 13:53:37

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