Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Apr 27th, 2017 >Crawldragon
  ___  __  __       
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 C o m e d y C l u b
  Open Mic Fridays  
You've got the glop 
@ "Thank you very much. You've been a wonderful audience. Just one more for me and then we'll call it a night."
@ "I was with my dog Dogley in the mines the other day, and he was shaking up a storm. He's usually like that when he has to go outside, you know."

d "Why are you telling them this?"

@ "Only trouble is we're in Minetown, and you know how they are about fountains, am I right?"

d "This really isn't a necessary detail..."

@ "So I talk to Izchak, he runs the lighting store, and I ask him if he has a little doggy's room for my little buddy here..."

d "Seriously, Dudley! This is embarrassing!"

@ "So Izchak is telling me there really aren't any dog parks in Minetown, I guess because lizards are all the rage underground, and Dogley starts barking like crazy..."

d "Dudley!!!"

@ "All of a sudden Dogley starts piddling allll over Izchak's leg. Just a big stream of urine is running down this guy's thigh, right?"

d grrrrr...

@ "Izchak looks at me and he goes 'That dog needs to be house-trained.'"
   /  REST IN   \   
  /    PEACE     \  
 /                \ 
 |     Dudley     | 
 |   killed  by   | 
 |  a shaggy dog  | 
 |                | 
The pun is a little obscure, but Dudley is telling a shaggy dog story.
  • This strip has been viewed 9116 times


  • 0 poor
  • 2 mediocre
  • 2 fair
  • 5 good
  • 4 excellent
Average rating: good
Number of ratings: 13
<April 2017>

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#1 Anonymous Thu, 14 Sep 2017 20:46:03
I like the attention to detail in this one, like how the Quantum mechanic is sitting alone (presumably because he's a nerd), but then a Succubus comes along and sits by him, the Gnomes and Centaurs are drinking, and the A (holy being) proposes to a Succubus.

#2 Crawldragon Thu, 26 Oct 2017 08:18:52
I'm really glad you liked that. It took me longer than I should probably admit to animate all of that, but it was worth it to have something interesting happening in the scene. This is the kind of gag that doesn't lend itself to visual humor.

I really wish I hadn't put a lichen in-between the two ogres, though. I thought it would be funny if they were eating a salad, but the OFO glyph kind of screws with the visual aura of the scene.

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