Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< May 18th, 2017 >Crawldragon
@ Really sucks when you have a bunch of stuff to identify and only one scroll...
There is a          
photocopier here.   
@ Oh, cool... exactly what I needed right when I was commenting on needing it. How convenient.
What do you want to 
copy? q             
@ Should be careful not to push my luck here. About three copies should be enough.
Suddenly the        
librarian appears!  
@ Excuse me, sir, can I see your library card?
@ Um, I don't have one.

@ Copies are available for non-patrons for a donation of only ten zorkmids apiece.

@ How does that work out, though? I mean, I'm just copying a scroll, but can I copy a spellbook for the same price? Is the price dependent on the beatitude of the scroll, or maybe its value?
@ Do I need to pay extra for a color copy in order to copy a "red" spellbook? And if I get a library card, will it work as a credit card and be able to open doors or is it only really useful in this niche case?
@ You know, Ted, this isn't going to help get the kids more involved with reading if you keep doing this.

@ We're providing a public service! Why do they feel the need to game the system every time!?

The trend towards greater illiteracy over time correlates paradoxically with the abundance of powergamers.
  • This strip has been viewed 13899 times


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Number of ratings: 12
<May 2017>

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#1 Anonymous Thu, 18 May 2017 03:47:06
Well that's one answer to the question about the previous comic, though unlimited identify scrolls at Z$10 apiece (once you've found one) is way too cheap.

#2 Anonymous Thu, 18 May 2017 14:42:03
Come to think of it, the existing Nethack flavortext does seem to suggest that library rooms should exist (""This is no free library, cad!"). A bookworm was already suggested in the comments for comic 954 .

#3 Crawldragon Sun, 21 May 2017 02:52:13
I did consider trying to implement the photocopier in NetHack but I like your idea regarding the restrictions better than the one presented here. Most players would just kill the librarian for free copies. I actually wrote this strip first and the previous one second so that it would set up the premise better.

A free library in the game would also be cool. Maybe it could be a room for the tribute novels from 3.6.0.

#4 Crawldragon Sun, 21 May 2017 02:52:39
I did consider trying to implement the photocopier in NetHack but I like your idea regarding the restrictions better than the one presented here. Most players would just kill the librarian for free copies. I actually wrote this strip first and the previous one second so that it would set up the premise better.

A free library in the game would also be cool. Maybe it could be a room for the tribute novels from 3.6.0.

#5 Anonymous Sun, 21 May 2017 14:25:10
"Most players would just kill the librarian for free copies." -- unless (s)he were heavily guarded like One-Eyed Sam. Conan the Librarian? :-)

#6 Anonymous Sun, 21 May 2017 14:26:25
Another thought: dropping written material (scrolls, spellbooks, and fortune cookies) on a photocopier detects BUC status as with an altar.

#7 Anonymous Mon, 5 Jun 2017 21:08:51
Or she could have nasty wands like a shopkeeper.

#8 ThePathfinder Sun, 18 Jun 2017 14:39:49
"Don't copy that FloppySpellbook!"

#9 sparrow4 Wed, 19 Jul 2017 09:56:03
#8 Haven't visited here in a long time. My first thought: How the heck is ThePathfinder still around?

#10 Elronnd Sat, 29 Jul 2017 22:52:18
Just checked the new comics since april. I think it's dead ;-;

/ \
/ REST \
/ IN \
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| Dudley's Dungeon |
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| died of |
| old age |
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| 2004-2017 |
*| * * * | *

Last edited: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 07:08:11

#11 Anonymous Sun, 30 Jul 2017 00:43:49
Old age at 13? That would be a pity. I do have some new comic ideas but I can't submit them anonymously so they'll have to wait a bit longer.

#12 ThePathfinder Sun, 30 Jul 2017 12:26:08
I'm still here.
REP #10:Maybe you can link your comics to some popular sources,like Reddit?

#13 Elronnd Mon, 31 Jul 2017 07:09:47
#11: why not make an account?

ThePathfinder: I doubt it. I made a post a while back when the first revival happened, and barely anyone noticed.

#14 Dajaaj Mon, 31 Jul 2017 10:09:58
Just submitted one I wrote a couple months back. Not anticipating it will hugely revive the site but I think it's decent.

#15 Anonymous Thu, 3 Aug 2017 20:58:55
#11: Old for a comic strip.

#16 will905965 Sat, 5 Aug 2017 19:59:32
i have a few ideas for comics but i suck at setups.

#17 will905965 Sat, 5 Aug 2017 20:00:12
Last edited: Sat, 5 Aug 2017 20:01:24

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