Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< May 14th, 2017 >Crawldragon
@ Hmm, what's this yellow #?
There is a          
photocopier here.   
@ A photocopier? Oh, sweet! I can use this to copy scrolls, spellbooks, novels...
@ or...
@ Who keeps sending me photocopies of their butt!?

& Is this a good time to mention our new reply mail service?

You sit on the photocopier but alas can not remove your pants.
  • This strip has been viewed 5748 times


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Average rating: good
Number of ratings: 14
<May 2017>

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#1 Anonymous Mon, 15 May 2017 18:21:13
:-) That's hilarious. Could the game actually work with such a dungeon feature without making it too easy to generate beneficial scrolls or spellbooks? Maybe the photocopier has only a limited supply of toner but can be replenished with a potion of toner or something like that. Of course sitting on the copier should abuse wisdom. What would kicking or otherwise abusing the photocopier do?

#2 Anonymous Mon, 15 May 2017 18:22:19
"The photocopier vanishes in a puff of toner. You cough violently."

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