Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Sep 19th, 2009 >tnioPkcehCx
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I .yrros ,mrrE" :@ yltnebicca I raef "...nottud > eht tih
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si siht ,no emoC" :b uoy bib tahW. kcis rof beksa nehw eqyt "?noitcerib eht
      egnarts a thaW
       .     -------
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"?uH" :b
Apply what?         
c - a mirror        
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......|    -----    
  • This strip has been viewed 7687 times


  • 7 poor
  • 5 mediocre
  • 15 fair
  • 7 good
  • 15 excellent
Average rating: fair
Number of ratings: 49
<September 2009>

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#1 Sorceror Sat, 19 Sep 2009 01:29:20
OK, bad. Very bad. The concept is good but it simply does not render correctly. It needs fixing:
'' si siht ,no
emoC" :b uoy
bib tahW. ''

#2 Chish Sat, 19 Sep 2009 02:50:57
this comic is INCREDIBLY hard to read when you're as drunk as i am right now

#3 anther Sat, 19 Sep 2009 05:24:51
It's hard to read for me, too, and I'm sober as a judge. I can't figure out what order the dialog lines are supposed to go in.

#4 TobyBartels Sat, 19 Sep 2009 06:04:34

#5 Factorial Sat, 19 Sep 2009 06:43:38
I read it by screencapping and pasting in MSPaint, then reversing it. Didn't look al that great but I could still read it.

For reference:

3rd panel:

text: What a strange direction!
d: "Hu?"

2nd panel:

d: "Come on, this is sick. What did you type when asked for the direction?"

1st panel:

@: "Hmm, sorry. I fear I accidentally hit the < button..."

#6 xCheckPoint Sat, 19 Sep 2009 07:01:52
Sorry, I didn't expect the linebreaks to differ on different systems. Both of my systems (Win + *ix) render it correct. The text should look as Factorial debugged.

#7 ctaboir Sat, 19 Sep 2009 11:53:11
Fair, as this way my rating cannot be misinterpreted either with or without a mirror

#8 xCheckPoint Sat, 19 Sep 2009 13:04:56
On top, I just noticed the superfluous dot in panel 3.

#9 motty Sat, 19 Sep 2009 23:03:44
Voting fair - comic is excellent but for the rendering issues.

#10 Sorceror Sun, 20 Sep 2009 02:03:24
xCheckPoint: The problem is there are no line breaks. Check the HTML source.

#11 xCheckPoint Tue, 22 Sep 2009 09:08:23
I wish I'd thought of that before :)

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