Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Aug 16th, 2010 >DarthCliche
@ "We gotta find the Amulet!"
d "And YOU gotta help us!"
@ "If you need instructions on how to get through the Dungeons of Doom, check out the enclosed Guidebook."
All tinning kits tin tins.
  • This strip has been viewed 8312 times


  • 12 poor
  • 6 mediocre
  • 10 fair
  • 5 good
  • 11 excellent
Average rating: fair
Number of ratings: 44
<August 2010>

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#1 nooodl Mon, 16 Aug 2010 00:42:53
For those who don't get it, it's the intro to "Hotel Mario" -- a notoriously bad Super Mario spin-off that spawned countless injokes -- effortlessly NetHack-ified to make for a poor Dudley's Dungeon comic.

#2 Quint Mon, 16 Aug 2010 02:39:31
YES! VERY YES! Love this.

Nethack Poop: Where there's clouds, the owlbears grab back.

Now someone needs to make a scene of Mario telling Dudley to get off his cloud on the Plane of Air--followed by a giant fan blowing Dudley off.

#3 ajbRad Mon, 16 Aug 2010 03:08:14
E for symmetry.

#4 Anonymous Mon, 16 Aug 2010 04:06:49
Can anyone explain WTH is "Hotel Mario"?

#5 Sorceror Mon, 16 Aug 2010 06:04:55
#4, that was done as early as post #1.

#6 Quint Mon, 16 Aug 2010 14:00:44
The short robotic gremlin hits! You feel clumsy! -more-
The mad scientist gets angry! "Snooping as usual, I see!"
Last edited: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 18:19:47

#7 Dav Mon, 16 Aug 2010 18:24:42

#8 ihatesoldiera Tue, 19 Jun 2012 12:42:08
Be careful! When you pinch Croesus's pennies, land mines blow up your legs.

#9 ThePathfinder Fri, 15 Jul 2016 00:17:15

#10 Anonymous Mon, 5 Nov 2018 15:52:12
Anonymous: Hotel Mario might well be the worst Mario game in the universe.

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