Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Sep 26th, 2009 >ajbRad
You add the "stone to flesh" spell to your repertoire.
@ "Dogley, I've been wondering..."

d "What?"

@ "You know how the walls of the dungeon are made of solid rock?"

d "Don't even think about it, Dudley."

choose a            
spell to ---------  
cast     ........|  
a-stone  ...@....+  
to flesh ........|  
d "I will kill you."
In what direction? 8
d *facepalm*

d "I swear I am never going on an adventure with you again."

The dungeon totally digests you!

You die...

   /  REST IN   \   
  /    PEACE     \  
 /                \ 
 |     Dudley     | 
 |   killed  by   | 
 |  the dungeon   | 
 |                | 
  • This strip has been viewed 8451 times


  • 0 poor
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  • 46 excellent
Average rating: excellent
Number of ratings: 63
<September 2009>

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#1 SmashFan2005 Sat, 26 Sep 2009 01:55:25
I smiled. It's unique so I'll give it an E.

#2 mijae Sat, 26 Sep 2009 03:37:47
This reminds me a bit of how RPG's often have an "inside a whale" or "shrunk down inside someone's body" level. They always squicked me out, but somehow the ASCII dungeon going all red all of a sudden feels even more ominous. Definite E.

#3 Loof42 Sat, 26 Sep 2009 08:48:05
/ REST IN \\\\
/ PEACE \\\\
/ \\\\
| Dudley |
| killed by |
| Lord Jabu-Jabu |
| |

Edit: That didn't work.

Last edited: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 08:50:13

#4 TJR Sat, 26 Sep 2009 10:32:37
What do you want to apply? [bcdfgh] c
c - a stethoscope
What direction? [hjklyulbnm] >
The floor seems healthy enough.

#5 Chish Sat, 26 Sep 2009 13:46:49
The RSS feed still needs color! :[

#6 CuleX Sat, 26 Sep 2009 14:30:07
Hm, he still could've eaten his way through the ground, maybe there's less flesh on the next level.

#7 NobodySpecial Sat, 26 Sep 2009 15:39:29
Dogley ought to "facepaw".

#8 ajbRad Sat, 26 Sep 2009 18:43:29
@ NobodySpecial: After the strip was scheduled, I thought of that, unfortunately.

#9 mijae Sat, 26 Sep 2009 19:43:19
Too bad Dudley didn't pull this stunt later on once he got the amulet. Ripping out with a wand of digging would make for the fastest return trip ever!

#10 paxed Sun, 27 Sep 2009 07:40:58
Chish: Well, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but the rss does have a stylesheet info attached; it just doesn't show the colors, at least for me.

#11 anther Mon, 28 Sep 2009 23:55:45
I am put in mind of Phantom Defoe Manor.

#12 ThePathfinder Sat, 31 Jan 2015 11:42:35
Well,it reminds me of Final Fantasy 2,it is where the party recruits Richard.
I think it is the worst ever version of FnFty,because the 4th character changes too frequently.

#13 RatherEatRandy Sun, 17 Jul 2016 23:31:57
Watch out for those crimeras and face monsters Dudley.
Last edited: Sun, 17 Jul 2016 23:32:22

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