Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Oct 21st, 2012 >Anvilgames
You hit the rock wit
You make an opening 
..|     ----       *
..|      $$|        
-|-        -        
 ###           $    
Dlvl:4 $:343 HP:27(2
@ Ah... I always love cracking the first vault of a dungeon.
294 gold pieces.    
..|     ----       *
..|     |$$|        
-|-     ----        
 ###           $    
Dlvl:4 $:637 HP:27(2
@ Two hundred and ninety-four...
87 gold pieces.     
..|     ----       *
..|     |d$|        
-|-     ----        
 ###           $    
Dlvl:4 $:724 HP:27(2
@ eighty-seven...
128 gold pieces.    
..|     ----       *
..|     |$@|        
-|-     ----        
 ###           $    
Dlvl:4 $:852 HP:27(2
@ ... and another 128 here, plus the 343 I had when I came in...

d Are you keeping a running total?

@ 852 so far, since you asked.

311 gold pieces.    
..|     ----       *
..|     |@.|        
-|-     ----        
 ###           $    
Dlvl:4 $:1163 HP:27(
@ 311 brings it all to 1163. We can afford that crystal plate mail now!

d Is it enough for tripe, too?

..|     ----       *
..|     |(d|        
-|-     ----        
 ###           $    
Dlvl:4 $:1163 HP:27(
@ Sure, we can drop by the deli in Minetown later.

d Dudley, wait. I think you dropped something.

l - a calculator.   
..|     ----       *
..|     |d.|        
-|-     ----        
 ###           $    
Dlvl:4 $:1163 HP:27(
Still doesn't explain how he counts so fast.
  • This strip has been viewed 6914 times


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Average rating: good
Number of ratings: 28
<October 2012>

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#1 Anonymous Sun, 21 Oct 2012 02:48:37
Yeah! First comment! I don't get it... and why can't I sign in?

#2 Bhaak Sun, 21 Oct 2012 07:00:09
Funny. But boo for the need to scroll horizontally.

#3 Anonymous Mon, 22 Oct 2012 01:19:16
Bhaak - would you rather have uneven rows? Seven doesn't divide evenly into anything, and it'd be a hella long comic if it scrolled vertically.

Also, it doesn't scroll horizontally on my screen - what resolution are you using?

#4 Slandor Tue, 23 Oct 2012 14:09:41

Nitpick: the last panel should read "Dogley picks up a calculator."

Last edited: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 14:09:50

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