Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Oct 26th, 2012 >bcode
----.|    -----        |.|
|..|.--  --...|        |.|
|.....|--|....|        |.|
|%....|..|....|        |.|
--....|......--        |.|
 |.......|...|   ------|.|
 |....|..|*..| --|..%.=|.|
 |....---|...| |.+%....|.|
 |.......|..-- |-|...%.|.|
 ----.0..|.--  |.+.....-.|
    ---.--.|   |-|..%..|--
     |.....|   |"@...%.|  
     |>.|..|   --|p....|  
     -------     -------  
@ Phew! That was almost too easy...
D - a concave amulet (bein
|.|        -----    |.----
|.|        |...--  --.|..|
|.|        |....|--|.....|
|.|        |....|..|....%|
|.|        --......|....--
|.|------   |...|.......| 
|.|=.%..|-- |..*|..|....| 
|.|....%+.| |...|---....| 
|.|.%...|-| --..|.......| 
|.-.....+.|  --.|..0.---- 
--|..%..|-|   |.--.---    
  |.%...-@|   |.....|     
  |....q|--   |..|.<|     
  -------     -------     
@ Huh, upstairs? Perhaps they symbolize my mission - always trying to ascend...
      /  REST IN   \      
     /    PEACE     \     
    /                \    
    |     Dudley     |    
    |  killed by a   |    
    |  mumak, while  |    
    | reflecting on  |    
    |    his task    |    
Philosophy kills. So do mumakil.
  • This strip has been viewed 9012 times


  • 1 poor
  • 1 mediocre
  • 0 fair
  • 6 good
  • 33 excellent
Average rating: excellent
Number of ratings: 41
<October 2012>

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#1 Anonymous Fri, 26 Oct 2012 01:05:31
I'm annoyed that the % weren't reflected.

#2 anther Sat, 27 Oct 2012 18:48:22
I want to see more like this. XD

#3 DarthCliche Sat, 27 Oct 2012 23:14:28

#4 Slandor Mon, 29 Oct 2012 03:00:54
E -- reflection jokes have been done, but this works on several different levels.

#5 CheckPoint Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:53:07
Apropos reflection - whom do I mail if I forgot my login password for DD?

#6 monomachos Wed, 31 Oct 2012 10:47:55
Warning: the convex amulet [of reflection] doesn't help against blunt force.

#7 scorchgeek Fri, 28 Dec 2012 17:30:30
This is so bad...but hilarious.

#8 Crawldragon Tue, 14 Feb 2017 07:50:21
Rated G, then immediately recast my vote as E when I noticed the reflection. Well-played, bcode. Well-played indeed.

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