Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Mar 30th, 2009 >ctaboir
Nothing Happens.    
--   --  ---------  
 -- --   |.%.....|  
% --- % %|%%%%%..|  
%% - % %%-%%@@...|  
 %--- %% |A.L.%..|  
 -- --   |.A.....|  
--   --  ---------  
Summary of previous the episode:

Tyr: "Not this time..."

Monsters appear from
nowhere! -----------
--   --  ---------  
 -- --   |.%.....|  
% --- % %|%cHc%..|  
%% - % &%-%%@@H..|  
 %--- %% |AcL.%..|  
 -- --   |.AH....|  
--   --  ---------  
@: "But... Tyr! Please! I've explored hell, fought hordes, killed all named daemons, defeated the Wizard (thrice), shot pestilence, almost choked on famine corpse, etc..."
Monsters appear from
nowhere! -----------
      |   5 5       
--   --  ---------  
 -- -- 55|.%.L...|  
% --- % %|%cHc%L.|5 
%% - %5L&-%%@@H..|5 
 %--- %%5|AcL.%L.|  
 -- --   |LAHL.LL|  
--   --  ---------  
@: "And this, Why? For this stupid Amulet I'm offering to Your Faith"
Monsters appear from
nowhere! -----------
      | 55555555    
--   -- 5---------  
 -- --555|LcALLLc|5 
% ---5555|LcHc%LL|55
%% -555L&cAL@@HcL|5 
 -- --555|LAHLAL@|55
--   -- 5---------  
@: "And now, what? You did not even care about it??? May I remember, it is You who'd asked me to do so..."
Destroy the thief,  
my pets! -----------
      | 555555555555
--   -- 5---------55
5-- --555|LcALLLc|55
5-- --555|LAHLAL@|55
--   --55---------55
@: "I'm now about to die, with no possible escape, where I would have expected something like immortality as a reward... You kidding?"
Tyr: "Thou art arrogant, mortal!"

Tyr: "Gods Work in Mysterious Ways..."

Things that are here
2147483647 Amulets  
of Yendor. """""""""
Tyr: "Mysterious Ways..."

Tyr: "First, make some room in my knapsack. I wonder..."

Tyr drop The Amulet 
of Yendor. The      
dungeon collapse! ""
   /  REST IN   \   
  /    PEACE     \  
 /                \ 
 |  Dudley, Tyr,  | 
 | and everything | 
 |   killed  by   | 
 | hitting signed | 
 | 32 bit integer | 
Amulets do not stack well...
  • This strip has been viewed 9791 times


  • 0 poor
  • 2 mediocre
  • 8 fair
  • 13 good
  • 18 excellent
Average rating: good
Number of ratings: 41
<March 2009>

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#1 Quint Mon, 30 Mar 2009 03:55:08
There have NOT been THAT many ascensions.

#2 Thvor Mon, 30 Mar 2009 04:03:36
I'll be generous, because I liked the bit joke. Though why is the number of amulets in the stack signed?

#3 DrSunglass Mon, 30 Mar 2009 06:53:53
obj::quan (yeah, yeah, no scope resolution operator in C) is an (implicitly signed) long, which is 32 bits on 32-bit platforms and 64 bits on 64-bit platforms. (see obj.h line 29)

Another mysterious thing about Tyr: he stands behind his throne. (Or in front of, perhaps, but he still doesn't sit on it.)

Last edited: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 06:55:11

#4 TobyBartels Mon, 30 Mar 2009 09:11:16
Wow, I influenced a comic! I don't think that I've ever done that before.

(I know, I know, I could WRITE one …)

#5 ThePathfinder Wed, 3 Sep 2014 11:01:55
This is it.

#6 Spider74656 Thu, 16 Feb 2023 17:27:57
And the atheistic argument was good, too!

#7 ajh Thu, 30 Jan 2025 20:43:16
-1 for the typos in the penultimate panel.

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