Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< May 8th, 2009 >Tocksin1
The shark hits!  You die...       
| |10|  Achievement unlocked!    |
|  \/  You'll need a bigger boat |
New in Nethack 4.0:


You hit the vampire with the      
cockatrice corpse.  The vampire   
turns to stone.                   
    |..............d.|      ###   
    +......=.........|        ### 
| |10|  Achievement unlocked!    |
|  \/    It's 4:20 somewhere     |
You extract a strange sound from  
the harp!  You see a drawbridge   
coming down!                      
|.....}| O....N.|----------|      
|....@..T@R{.L..- O        -......
|.d...}| X@.....|----------|      
| |20|  Achievement unlocked!    |
|  \/   You're a Guitar Hero     |
Jump on the bandwagon
  • This strip has been viewed 11581 times


  • 2 poor
  • 9 mediocre
  • 10 fair
  • 20 good
  • 18 excellent
Average rating: good
Number of ratings: 59
<May 2009>

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#1 Sorceror Fri, 8 May 2009 02:53:13
XBox 360 achievements are an easy target. Everyone's done it before.

#2 TJR Fri, 8 May 2009 04:39:23
Why rename skill slots achievement?

#3 slowpoke Fri, 8 May 2009 15:22:08
I don't understand the negative votes here.

#4 Quint Fri, 8 May 2009 15:41:12
Let's balance it out. * puts in a Good vote *

Well, to be honest, that was an apt rating for it anyway.

#5 anther Fri, 8 May 2009 20:40:31
We'd be renaming conducts achievements, and making a way for them to become part of a player's permanent record. And adding some new things that aren't as hair-pullingly difficult to accomplish, and serve to satisfy those of us with a bit of casual gamer in them. I'm not sure it's a bad idea, myself, especially if you could use them to mark milestones in the game (the way devnull's stars do) or fun and quirky YAFMs to get (like falling into a pit as a pit fiend), or downright strange things that some players do (like petrifying a mail daemon). They could also help with major voluntary challenges that aren't conducts, like extinctionism.
Last edited: Fri, 8 May 2009 20:40:58

#6 Tocksin1 Sun, 10 May 2009 23:10:09
Admit it. If there were achievements in 4.0, you know you would try to do them. I'm not nearly good enough to do the harder conducts yet, so easier achievements would interest me.

#7 ThePathfinder Sat, 25 Jun 2016 23:38:38
What does it mean?
Is it for the "MLG 420" parody?

#8 Anonymous Mon, 25 Dec 2017 02:41:17
4:20 = cannabis = "stoned"

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