You miss the grid bug. The grid bug bites! You get zapped! | ------|-----+-----
You miss the grid bug. The grid bug bites! You get zapped! | ------|-----+-----
You miss the grid bug. The grid bug bites! You get zapped! | ------|-----+-----
You miss the grid bug. The grid bug bites! You get zapped! @ "Sigh, I've gotten hit four times in a row and missed four times in a row...but that must mean I've got better luck this time!" | ------------
/ \
| Dudley |
| killed by |
| elementary |
| probability |
—NobodySpecial, killed by hypermagical backslashes.
Hard evidence the RNG is far from perfect can be found in U_init.c#line602.
0.99 * 0.99 * 0.99...
Hups :)
A odds-fixing RNG anyone? Just like the best slot machines that change the odds on the fly.
E, by the way.
and on a completely unrelated note WOOHOOOO I JUST GOT A SPELLBOOK OF IDENTIFY