Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Nov 6th, 2009 >STL
%    a piece of food 
(partially eaten     
violet fungus corpse)
`    a boulder or    
statue (statue of    
c    a cockatrice    
(cockatrice lying in 
the statue's arms)   
As it turns out, condoms don't protect against stoning.
  • This strip has been viewed 7260 times


  • 7 poor
  • 5 mediocre
  • 4 fair
  • 15 good
  • 11 excellent
Average rating: fair
Number of ratings: 42
<November 2009>

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#1 Manutraveler Fri, 6 Nov 2009 01:20:32
G for Gross.

#2 eskimo68 Fri, 6 Nov 2009 07:07:43
Bestiality... although checking if there would be a better term for mythic stuff I found zoophilia which of course made me think this should have been done in a Zoo. So, Good for that inadvertent laugh.
Last edited: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 07:08:11

#3 Quint Fri, 6 Nov 2009 07:36:15
Voted M for facepalM.

#4 Anonymous Fri, 6 Nov 2009 13:58:08
If I'm not mistaken, don't violet fungi cause hallucination when you eat 'em?

#5 NorthBus Fri, 6 Nov 2009 17:28:39
Please... Please tell me that the joke is that he was hallucinating c --> & ... for an extended period of time... maybe?

#6 Anonymous Fri, 6 Nov 2009 18:07:26
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the purple haze is to blame for this one. It's not like he'd have time to realize his mistake before transforming into a lawn ornament...

That said, I'm grateful STL didn't make any of the obvious dirty puns that could have been heaped on top of this.

#7 jokeserver Fri, 6 Nov 2009 19:51:29
It hisses in your ear! You begin to turn to stone...

#8 anther Fri, 6 Nov 2009 21:48:11
It looks like that chicken... didn't want to be choked. (/horatio)
Last edited: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 21:48:40

#9 lilmouse Wed, 11 Aug 2010 10:31:19
So phenominally stupid, only Dudley could do that! :-D

#10 ThePathfinder Tue, 4 Aug 2015 14:33:27
Another punch at that silly Pope.

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