Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Jun 3rd, 2009 >Orl
  Dudley's Dungeon  
Asidonhopo zaps a wand of magic missile!
Dudley the Priest   
@ "Looks like there is much work to do..."
  • This strip has been viewed 10419 times


  • 0 poor
  • 0 mediocre
  • 3 fair
  • 14 good
  • 57 excellent
Average rating: excellent
Number of ratings: 74
<June 2009>

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#1 Quint Wed, 3 Jun 2009 01:14:16
This is the kind of comic that cause me to not laugh but smile with deep satisfaction.

I rate it Excellent.

Though, what's Acedia?

Last edited: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 01:14:26

#2 Manutraveler Wed, 3 Jun 2009 01:22:46
Nicely done.

Another reason why I give it an E is that I've been playing Priests lately.

Quint: Acedia is an ancient term for sloth (probably directly imported from latin, since it also exists -in exactly the same form- in spanish).

Last edited: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 10:44:17

#3 slowpoke Wed, 3 Jun 2009 06:13:22
Wow. E without question.

(I had to look up acedia.)

#4 NobodySpecial Wed, 3 Jun 2009 11:10:16
The second panel really cracked me up when I thought of how much Vlad has to be proud of.

#5 Anonymous Wed, 3 Jun 2009 17:20:54
The last sin should have been "Wraith"

#6 ctaboir Wed, 3 Jun 2009 21:17:28
There is a trend here about not putting a footnote. I like footnote as a master piece of scenario.
While this one is excellent, I still asking rating between good and excellent mostly because of this. The first panel should have been advantageously replaced with a footnote "Seven deadly sins". IMHO.
And while the Acedia/Sloth choice is truly excellent (just by thinking about it!), there are other in-game messages directly related to Wrath that could win my preference.

#7 Newtkiller Thu, 4 Jun 2009 11:54:52
Acedia is melancoly, in the ancient latin form. It means a complete lack of any action, interest, or anything whatsoever

#8 Quint Thu, 4 Jun 2009 15:07:31
ctaboir: aggravate monster?

#9 Orl Thu, 4 Jun 2009 15:47:56
Well, I tend to see footnotes more as extra things, maybe extra hints to explain the comic, or a random note... it can even be the title of the comic, but the punchline? No. I don't like to put footnotes as punchlines or "final words", I just don't like it...
And, ctaboir: what would you put as Wrath? (not a critique, I'm only curious because I had a hard time choosing the right message for Wrath, there are so many!)
I though of putting "Asidonhopo is after your hide", but I preferred putting a more general message.

Thanks a lot for the feedback!!

#10 ctaboir Thu, 4 Jun 2009 21:11:49
@Orl: At least, "divine Wrath" is a nethack official thing with different causes, and that can be explicitly used as a death cause. In this particular strip, I may have used "How darest thou desecrate my altar!". Or other. Dunno.
By the way: as official death or in game messages there are also a lot of oher choices for sins (IIRC: please correct/complement):
- you feel like a glutton (as a knight eating while satiated)
- you fell greedy (confused scroll of gold detection)
- You feel quite proud of yourself. (drinking unholy water while chaotic)
- killed by overexertion (after foocubi unsuccessful experience) (not strictly lust at least in spelling)

Not that a lot of these would be satisfying for your comic (and at least lust is implicitly used)...

And I'm still disagreeing with you regarding footnote (but that's my own feeling).
By the way, I'm finally decided myself and putting it a E rating. Congrats!

And also, still by the way, just try this: and see ยง7 (for sure...)


#11 Orl Sat, 6 Jun 2009 06:53:14
I'd be a floating eye... :)

#12 danirijeka Tue, 9 Jun 2009 19:00:28
Definitely excellent. I must respectfully disagree with you about footnotes though (I may be biased because in one of my dudleys I used a footnote as the punchline): sometimes a perfectly normal (or seemingly so) situation gets completely overturned by a simple line. However, this one definitely didn't need it at all, because it's an E just like that.

#13 ctaboir Wed, 8 Jul 2009 17:18:43
at least (and from another standpoint) about footnote, they can be very useful to identify the "winners" strips from stats...
Again with famous/notorious "delete button" already mentioned before, footnote in own stats would helps (again illegitimately asking things from Paxed, while his job is already rated "E").

#14 Sorceror Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:49:40
Anonymous #5: FACEPALM

#15 DarthCliche Tue, 20 Jul 2010 17:57:52
G. Would have been E but it should be "Dudley the Aspirant" or similar, not "Dudley the Priest".

#16 ThePathfinder Wed, 13 May 2015 11:52:57
Religions are BAD.
They are only excuses for powerful persons to perform brain-controlling.

#17 grisha5 Wed, 3 Jun 2015 08:45:54

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