Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Feb 25th, 2010 >BreathOfSorrows
@ "Waiting for an adventurer to kill is SO boring. Hey guys, wanna hear a newt joke?"
@ "Aw, but newt jokes are so overused and tiresome, Sarge."

@ "They're stale like that K-ration I ate earlier."

@ "I'd rather kiss a cockatrice."

@ "I, too, believe something different would be best."

@ "Holy Lugh, it's Dudley!"

@ "Heyyyyyy, Dudley!"

@ "Can I have your autograph?"

@ "I'm tired of being the butt of every newt joke, anyway."

@ "Yes, a point has been made. On the other hand, watching Dudley die has always been traditionally entertaining."

The soldier zaps a w
@ "GET HIM!"

@ "Yaaarrrrrgh!"

@ "Eat my death ray!"

@ "Yikes!"

Fame comes with a price
  • This strip has been viewed 7362 times


  • 2 poor
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  • 8 fair
  • 22 good
  • 6 excellent
Average rating: good
Number of ratings: 39
<February 2010>

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#1 Anonymous Thu, 25 Feb 2010 03:33:00

#2 Sorceror Thu, 25 Feb 2010 11:47:02
1 ... 3 ... 5!
(3 sir)
(5 sir)

#3 Anonymous Thu, 25 Feb 2010 15:41:44
the door closed on panel 4. Otherwise Dudley could have seen the newt on the other side that killed him once he got away from the soldiers.


#4 BreathOfSorrows Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:36:07
The closed door in panel 4 was a minor mistake, but for the sake of continuity, let's just say that those soldiers have an invisible accomplice.

#5 Sorceror Thu, 25 Feb 2010 22:26:24
BreathOfSorrows: SPOILER! The invisible accomplice is RNG.

#6 BreathOfSorrows Thu, 25 Feb 2010 22:46:55
Sorceror: Haha yes. Dudley's arch-nemesis, once again up to no good.

#7 SmashFan2005 Fri, 5 Mar 2010 21:29:19
lol, poor dudley. :(

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