Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Mar 12th, 2010 >BreathOfSorrows
##  #|GG...h...h....
 ## #|G-+-----+--...
h "*Hic* Shhtupid gnomesh, alwaysh picking fightsh and loshhhhing."

h "Haha, yeah, shhtupid gnomes. *Hic*"

h "Out of my way, *hic* shhhhtupid wall!"

h "Heyyy, babe, you *hic* lookin' for a good time?"

The dwarf suddenly v
@ "Amazing that the guards let this happen."

d "They get bribed."

h "*Hic* Where'd you go? Hey, my helmet!"

The dwarf suddenly vomits!

@ "My beautiful temple, ruined... *Sniff*"

The Truth About Dwarves
  • This strip has been viewed 7578 times


  • 2 poor
  • 3 mediocre
  • 5 fair
  • 13 good
  • 6 excellent
Average rating: good
Number of ratings: 29
<March 2010>

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#1 Sorceror Fri, 12 Mar 2010 11:31:49
Nice to see the dwarf character from yesterday's comic recur.

Not so nice to see that BreathOfSorrows has turned by dwarven sceptic into an alcoholic.

#2 xCheckPoint Fri, 12 Mar 2010 16:07:13
Puh. Bad votes for a drunken dwarf. Voting G 'cause I myself like him...

#3 BreathOfSorrows Fri, 12 Mar 2010 19:36:20
I like to think they're like the dwarves from Dwarf Fortress. Why else would they just recklessly tunnel through Minetown? It makes the most sense to me.

#4 todaal Fri, 12 Mar 2010 20:39:56
I recast my vote to E for the pool of green vomit. This joke has been growing on me. I like the way it splits to 4 scenes at the end.

#5 NobodySpecial Fri, 12 Mar 2010 22:40:59
I mistakenly interpreted the last panel to mean that a dwarf puked in somebody's helmet.

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