Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Jul 8th, 2009 >xCheckPoint
   --- --.|....--   
@ On with the action. I'm as hard as a coffin nail now. AC-28 and my Stormy will do the job. No chance for silly newt jokes this time...
   --- --.|....--   
@ WTF? Didn't I say...

Alright, sweetheart, I'll show you who's laughing now.

You step onto a poly
You shrink out of yo
Your boots are pushe
You feel you must dr
   --- --.|.*..--   
You turn into a newt
   --- --.|.:..--   
@ *sigh*
Equal opportunities
  • This strip has been viewed 11583 times


  • 0 poor
  • 1 mediocre
  • 3 fair
  • 18 good
  • 40 excellent
Average rating: excellent
Number of ratings: 62
<July 2009>

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#1 Zarpheek Wed, 8 Jul 2009 00:10:46
You feel very attracted to the newt. --more--

You and the newt begin a mating dance.

#2 Manutraveler Wed, 8 Jul 2009 00:22:27
Not bad at all, as far as newt jokes go...
Last edited: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 00:23:46

#3 slowpoke Wed, 8 Jul 2009 00:40:55
Even with the warning (at the other site) that a Dreaded Newt Joke was coming, and with firm resolve to not enjoy it, I lol'ed. It is teh funneh.

I'll have to be fair and go re-rate the other recent DNJ higher than I gave it before.

Last edited: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 15:28:57

#4 anther Wed, 8 Jul 2009 02:16:41
I'm going to go read some really old Dudley strips, back before newt jokes became cliche.

#5 mijae Wed, 8 Jul 2009 05:16:33
silly Dudley, you can't forget the magic resistance!

Although, maybe he's actually got better odds now.

#6 ctaboir Wed, 8 Jul 2009 09:32:36
Oh! Well. E. Can't believe it!

#7 SmashFan2005 Wed, 8 Jul 2009 15:59:14
lol, I actually loved this newt joke, nice job.

#8 Quint Wed, 8 Jul 2009 19:02:29
This is a newt twist on an old joke.

#9 ctaboir Wed, 8 Jul 2009 19:25:56
Hurrah! My own newt joke/strip is just now scheduled in 2 days! Be prepared to something as awful as stupid!
Everybody however should legitimately have the right to publish one (not more!) newt strip!
As I written it after looking to this very one, and xCheckpoint, you definitely have to assume a part of my shame or of my glory (this last not probable, sorry).
And thanks to Paxed, also, for your (probable) smile against my attempt...
I promise first and last newt joke I will do! (until the next)
Yellow ":" ! Happy just like while ascending! (I'm so Stupid)

#10 mijae Thu, 9 Jul 2009 02:01:22
I'm so prepared I've got something even more awful and stupid (or at least I'd bet so) scheduled in just 1 day! Though it's not exactly a newt joke...

#11 Anonymous Wed, 11 Nov 2009 23:24:48
I got better.

#12 DarthCliche Sat, 18 Dec 2010 06:29:49

#13 tahujdt Sat, 22 Oct 2011 21:38:43
I'm doing a strip based on Zarpheek's comment.

#14 Anonymous Tue, 29 Apr 2014 11:33:32
In last panel, should be
: sigh
Instead of
@ sigh
So close 4.95/5

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