Dudley's (New, Improved) Dungeon

< Apr 10th, 2009 >paxed
You slip the leash  
around your dog.    
@ "I shall call him... Wickwrackrum!"
@ "That kobold will be good practice for the dogs."
The kobold throws a 
tripe ration.       
@ "Hah, stupid!"
The dogs jump over  
the lava!           
@ "Aieee!"
Doggy Delights
  • This strip has been viewed 9245 times


  • 1 poor
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  • 2 fair
  • 13 good
  • 23 excellent
Average rating: good
Number of ratings: 39
<April 2009>

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#1 Sorceror Fri, 10 Apr 2009 02:45:42
Needs music ...

But yay for comedy of errors in general!

#2 anther Fri, 10 Apr 2009 06:25:18
Evidently I'm missing something here...?

#3 Eboreg Fri, 10 Apr 2009 12:23:52
anther, The kobold lured the dogs away with the dog food.

#4 Thvor Fri, 10 Apr 2009 13:17:53
Needs one final step to complete the joke, I'd say...a message about Dudley being pulled by the (presumably) three leashes.

Still, what level is this meant to be on? I don't think I've ever seen a kobold near lava.

#5 slowpoke Fri, 10 Apr 2009 22:41:09
Wickwrackrum? How about Wrickrollum? I'll have to find that link again...

Anyway 'E' for the comic. I agree that being pulled into the lava would be the right punch line, but as is, is good enough.

#6 Sorceror Sat, 11 Apr 2009 15:46:39
Thvor, slowpoke, use your imaginations! Dudley is holding on to the leashes which are attached to his Dogleys.

#7 Newtkiller Wed, 2 Sep 2009 04:34:01
Dudley. Killed by food.

#8 Muad Wed, 22 Dec 2010 13:42:12
It would be pretty neat if intelligent monsters could cause your pets to switch allegiance with food. It would likely escalate into an arms race of pet food. Everybody would lose, except the pets.

#9 ThePathfinder Wed, 13 May 2015 11:54:16
Too dangerous for a DOG.

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